Welcome to Wise Owl Private Day Nurseries

Engaging in the Community

Engaging in the Community

Wise Owl believe that a nursery should be a real hub of the community. That is why we ensure that the children get plenty of opportunity to meet key members of the community at nursery. We often invite the police, the fire brigade and our local post man to the nursery to talk to the children about what they do. This teaches our children to appreciate the work these services do to help us and how to be good, well rounded citizens.

Likewise, we also take the children out out in the community to make a difference through fundraising for a local charity or by helping collect litter or other environmental activity through our Eco-School’s programme. Your child not only benefits from fresh air and a break in routine but they also get to learn how the world works and the people in it. It also helps the children to develop respect and care for thoes who are less fortunate.

We also have strong links with our local schools so have attended Christmas plays and Easter fairs at the school to help the children understand what school is through experiences, encourage them to talk about what they know, which helps create a smooth transition from nursery to school.

Want to visit us?

Join Our Journey of Discovery
Scunthorpe: 01724 330009
Messingham: 01724 487522