Welcome to Wise Owl Private Day Nurseries



Our Mobile App

Famly is a really important piece of software we use at nursery and can be downloaded to your phone or laptop. It enables us to keep in contact with you about your child and all things nursery life.

We use the Famly app to do the following:

• Post observations and photographs of your child’s learning and development
• Send and receive messages providing a two way communication between staff and parents
• Signing children in and out
• Recording the daily accounts of the children attending such as meals, nappies and accidents etc.
• To view personal information on the children such allergies, passwords and consent forms all in one place

You can use the Famly app to do the following:

• View a daily account of what your child has ate, nappies, accidents etc as they happen keeping you immediately in the know
• Add your own photographs and observations
• Book or cancel sessions
• View invoices and make payments
• Send and receive messages for a quicker response


Want to visit us?

Join Our Journey of Discovery
Scunthorpe: 01724 330009
Messingham: 01724 487522